Friday, May 27, 2011


We have had more doctors appointments this month  than I'm sure last year combined! Ammon's follow up appointment was today. His doctor is keeping him on the asthma medicine for now as it seems to help with the coughing. We have another follow up the end of June. Instead of just tablets to take, we'll also be doing a tube/mask thing too a few times a day, so we shall see what comes from it.
Ammon's speech therapy is beginning next week with a meeting with the school district and with his therapist, I think it'll turn out well, as Ammon is getting better at saying words, not so many but still more than a month ago.
I also had a doctor appointment this week, Hayden's due date has been moved up again to August 12th. We have an ultrasound next Wednesday to make sure everything is all good. We are getting excited and anxious with having a new little one in the home, but  we can't wait to meet him!
Adam is still jobless but has applied to a TON of places, we're hoping to get him into something soon.

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