Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ready for Fall

It's been forever since my last writing. Changes have happened since I last wrote but this post would be really long if I were to update everything. Hayden has now arrived! He was born August 11th at 10:58am 7lbs 8ou 22 inches (I know he's a long boy!!), he's now almost 3 weeks and let's just say that it's gone by fast, I don't know whether it's from the lack of sleep and all the days merging all together or if that's what happens when your days are just really busy, either way I'm really excited for fall to come.
With fall comes school, Adam has started a new semester, taking 14 credit hours. He's be busy with work and school and we will hardly see him on Tuesday and Wednesday, but with that comes one less semester SCORE!! and closer and closer to graduation. I can already tell that those 2 days are going to be very long and bedtime will come early for everyone. Adam hates his current job down in Salt Lake and so he's been applying elsewhere and has had a couple interviews within the last week. We're really hoping that he gets a job with  Digis (internet company) as an installer. The pay is a lot better and the hours are good, with only a Tuesday day class being interrupted, but the teacher said that he could do that online, so grateful for the internet, the blessing it is!! Adam is also busy helping out his dad getting the house ready to sell. Don't know when, but moving we are, we'll stay in the house until it sells, or if we can get the financing we might buy it from his dad, but we'll see.
Ammon is starting school too!!! I feel way old now! With Ammon in the state program for his speech he qualifies (after some tests) to go to the state preschool, but a fun little tidbit is that some gals from the ward are all getting together and doing our own preschool for the kids. It's so much fun getting ideas from around the internet for preschool. And I also get a small preschool budget to buy stuff and that just has me pumped. We are continuing with the speech therapy at our house until he turns 3 in October and then it's so long to the therapist becuase he'll be going to the preschool and getting more individualized help. Ammon is getting better with some words but he's not progressing like they would like to see. The therapist wants him to get his hearing tested to see if there's a processing delay or something along those lines, but the bad part is that they only do the testing once a month and they aren't doing September so we have to wait until October to get it done. So that's just a waiting time bomb. We'll take what comes but I hope that isn't nothing or nothing too serious.
I am recovering from the c-section (unplanned) and probably doing more than I should,  but I swear I've been bitten by the cleaning monster and it's hard not to do it and just rest, but I do try my best. Some days are better than others and for the bad ones I have the pain killers. It's really hard not being able to do pick  up Ammon if he needs some loving or when he gets hurt-which he did just this last week, by falling off of a swing and biting his lip-and I'm just counting down the days for the 8 week postpardum check-up for the all clear from the doctor, but he said that the stitches inside will take 4-5 months to heal so it's still going to be a long road before I'm as good as new.

1 comment:

  1. The toys can wait for picking up! Take care of "you" and everything else will happen in time. Such cute kids!
